
Cold renders my body immobile,
like rigor mortis setting in…
I scream, but no sound…
like gravity collapsing my lungs,
my soundless cries…
revealing the nothingness inside…

the blank canvas of me,
no personality, no soul, no voice, no love.

i will die without the connection,
so i latch on,
and squeeze the life out of other peoples hearts…
that momentary, fickle, fragile emotion.
i need it, i fear it, but i need people,
the love…
that connection,
that a person cannot live without.
these momentary confessions,
to subside my want, and guilt.
I Am loneliness, and loneliness is I.
the oddities that make up my mind,
draw out the walls in my heart,
stranding me, estranging, the delicately alone me.
i drew the lines, i built the walls…
i separated my self from humanity.
but, i am dying of the loneliness i created.
and now.
Only bitterness, and regret, and an unfillable void remain.
and i have only myself to blame.


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